When my husband George was airlifted from a ball field in Sag Harbor to Stony Brook University Medical Center, I imagined the worst. Our family was frozen with fear. Within one hour of his arrival to the ER the team of doctors, led by Dr. Henry Woo, and tests confirmed George had a stroke. The days that followed were a nightmare for us. I wasn't sure if we should move him to a hospital in the city or stay. It really turned out to be an easy choice. The doctors and nurses at Stony Brook University Medical Center were phenomenal. The quality of care and concern from the nursing staff in the SICU was beyond my expectations. Dr. Woo's amazing knowledge and talented hands safely saw George through three cerebral angiograms. He walked me through each test and process each day. He was unwavering in telling us George would be okay and he was right. Time has passed and thankfully George has fully recovered. We will be forever grateful for the superior care given by Dr. Woo and the staff at Stony Brook University Medical Center.