MS Comprehensive Care Center

181 North Belle Mead Road East Setauket, NY 11733
P 631.444.2599
F 631.392.7213

April 7, 2020

Dear Patient,

The current COVID-19 pandemic raises many questions. Although the situation is constantly evolving, we wanted to share our current recommendations with you.

Are you at increased risk?
Multiple sclerosis itself does not put you at an increased risk of catching COVID-19 (except for those physically unable to perform recommended hygiene measures).

However, there are some factors that may increase your risk:
• Taking certain medications (DMTs) for your MS
• Other chronic medical conditions, such as heart or lung disease.
• 60 years of age or older
• Significant restricted mobility: spending most of the day seated, or in bed

Should you continue with your MS medication?
Your MS medication should not be stopped without first discussing the decision with us, as the risk/benefit of continuing it is based on multiple factors. Stopping your MS medication may put you at increased risk of developing new neurological symptoms.

Generally, MS medications fall into 3 categories, in terms of infection risk:

  • Not thought to increase infection risk: Copaxone®, Glatopa®, Mylan®, Glatiramer Acetate,Betaseron®, Rebif®, Avonex®, Plegridy®, Extavia®, Tysabri®

  • May increase infection risk: Tecfidera®, Vumerity®, Gilenya®, Mayzent®, Aubagio®

  • Increased infection risk: Lemtrada®, Mavenclad®, Ocrevus®, Rituxan®
    For patients with upcoming appointments for Ocrevus® or Rituxan® infusion, we are reaching out by phone to discuss the individual situation, and in some cases the decision may be made to postpone the next infusion. There are pros and cons for maintaining your scheduled infusion, as well as delaying it.

The importance of following the latest CDC guidelines
For all of our MS patients, and particularly those at increased risk, we recommend that you strictly follow the latest CDC guidelines ( to reduce the risk of infection. These include:

  •  Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds 
  •  If soap and water are not available, use hand sanitizer
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands 
  • Stay home as much as possible other than essential trips to grocery store or pharmacy. Follow NY state guidelines for all non-essential employees to work from home
  • Avoid public gatherings, or close contact with others outside your household

What about the MS Support Group?
In keeping with the guidelines, we have temporarily suspended our monthly patient support groups. We will let you know once they are rescheduled.

Telehealth as an option
Stony Brook Medicine is now offering Telehealth as an option for future appointments. This will allow our patients to receive our high-quality care from the safety and privacy of your own home. To see if your needs can be met virtually, please call (631) 444- 2599. To learn more about how to prepare for a Telehealth visit, click here.

Take care of your overall wellness
This can be a stressful time with the fear and anxiety associated with COVID-19, so please support yourself by taking breaks from the news coverage, continuing to take care of your overall wellness, and staying virtually connected with your support system.

If you have any questions related to your specific situation don’t hesitate to contact us at (631) 444-2599.



P.K. Coyle, MD N. McLinskey, MD O. Syritsyna, MD P. Melville, MSN, NP-C

Stony Brook MS Comprehensive Care Center


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