Below is a sampling of our services.
Support Services
- Diagnosis
- Second opinion
- Best treatment strategy
Primary Services
- Informational brochures and pamphlets
- Ongoing patient education seminars
- Ongoing support group sponsorship
- Cognitive assessments
- Neuro-Ophthalmologic assessments (including OCT)
- Physical, occupational, and speech therapy
- Specific counseling
- Bladder scan assessment for urinary symptoms
- Spasticity clinic assessments; baclofen pump therapy
- Infusion services
- Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) clinic
- Flu vaccinations and intramuscular injections
State-of-the-Art Imaging
- 1.5T and 3T MRI machines
- Vascular assessments (venous and arterial systems)
- MR Spectroscopy
- MRI research techniques (atrophy measurements; functional MRI; magnetization transfer imaging; diffusion tensor/tractography imaging)
Research Services
- Screening for eligibility for MS research studies