Research & Clinical Trials
Stony Brook is deeply committed to our research mission, with more than 70 laboratories actively pursuing breakthroughs in neurobiology, stroke, multiple sclerosis, autism, Alzheimer's disease, spine and brain trauma, and behavioral neurosciences, to name a few. Our researchers are engaged in basic, translational, and clinical research, which bring scientific discovery from the bench to the bedside. Through our research initiatives, we look to discover more effective ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat neurological diseases and disorders. We are deeply committed to our research mission. A few of the most important discoveries are listed below:
In 1984, Prof. Paul Lauterbur of the Stony Brook Department of Chemistry constructed the first image using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MRI). This led to the awarding of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Medicine to Professor Lauterbur. The ability to perform non-invasive imaging of the interior of living organisms using MRI is one of the most important medical discoveries of the twentieth century.
In 1987, Dr. Dmitry Goldgaber of the Stony Brook Department of Psychiatry was the first to isolate, characterize, and determine the localization of human amyloid precursor protein to chromosome 21.
Stony Brook scientists were the first to isolate the spirochetal bacterium that causes Lyme disease from patients, and they developed the antibiotic regimen to combat Lyme disease.
Clinical researchers from the Stony Brook Comprehensive Spine Center have pioneered the adoption of bone morphogenic proteins in spinal surgery, which has dramatically reduced the need for painful bone graft harvesting. Others have pioneered novel endo-vascular treatments for aneurysms and hemorrhages.
Our researchers collaborate with investigators at the prestigious, Long Island research institutions of Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Stony Brook is one of the few public institutions to co-direct a national laboratory (BNL).
Neuroscience research at Stony Brook is primarily performed in the following departments and programs:
- Anesthesiology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Graduate Program in Neuroscience
- Neurobiology and Behavior
- Neurology
- Neuroscience Seminar Series
- Neurosurgery
- Pharmacological Sciences
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
Clinical Trials
We offer our patients tomorrow's treatments today through our many clinical trials and investigator initiated trials. Our patients may elect to participate in ongoing, cutting-edge, clinical research trials that are being conducted at our institution. Participation in a clinical trial can provide patients with access to new research treatments before they are widely available.
Active Clinical Trials within the Neurosciences Institute
Research Resources
Appended at the bottom of this page are documents which describe the core resources that are available through the Office of Scientific Affairs, and through non-OSA affiliated cores. Also described below are links to other Research Resources.
Tools for Researchers
This website provides links to the core facilities that are run through Stony Brook Medicine, and are on a fee for service basis (includes: Bioinformatics and Biostatistics, Cell Culture, Clinical Trials, DNA Microarray and Sequencing, Flow Cytometry, Genomics, Proteomics, Micro CT, Imaging, Cloning, and Stem Cell Core facilities). The Guide to Facilities in the Research Cores tab gives an outline of each core, and the 2014 Core Fair downloads a PowerPoint presentation of each core. Web pages for each of the cores are also listed which give more detailed information and even pricing in some cases. These cores are summarized for grant applications, and weblinks provided in the document OSA Cores below.
Research Informatics for Stony Brook Medicine
This site, maintained by SBM Office of Scientific Affairs, allows keyword or author searching of funded national grants and PubMed publications of Stony Brook Medicine investigators only.
Additional SBU cores are also available.
These cores include: PET Research Core, Biomedical Assay Core, Clinical Research Core, Digestive Diseases/BioBank Tissue Core, Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery, MicroMRI Core, Nano-RAMAN Imaging Core, Research Histology Core, Stem Cell Center, Thermomechanical & Imaging Nanoscale Characterization Core, Trace Element Analytical Core, and the Trace Organic Chemical Mass Spectrometry Core. These cores are summarized for grant applications, and weblinks provided when available in the Other Cores document below.
Additional Resources
- Multiple software programs are available to SBU faculty and staff for free use through the SBU Virtual Sinc Site.
- NSF Reporter allows searching of all funded NSF grants using multiple search parameters. Search all SUNY campuses by entering SUNY in the organization box, which pulls most/all SUNY campuses.
- NIH Reporter allows searching of all funded NIH grants using multiple search parameters. To search all SUNY campuses is more difficult because multiple names for SUNY are input. Must individually search with the city or specialty in the organization box and then select those of interest (i.e. Buffalo or Optometry or Downstate).
- NIH Matchmaker compares your abstract (15,000 characters max) to funded abstracts and gives best matches.
- To find what an acronym stands for with filters for different specialties, look here:
- Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Site for SBU Undergraduates interested in research.
- Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Site for SBU post-docs.
- Stony Brook Newsroom site with a listing of recent news items involving Stony Brook University.