Baruch Barry Lieber, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology
Phone:(631) 444-1278
Fax: (631) 444-2560
Department of Neurosurgery
Health Sciences Center T-12
Office: Room 053A
Lab: Room 069 (631) 444-3441
Georgia Institute of Technology | Postdoctoral Fellow Mechanical Engineering |
1985-1987 |
Georgia Institute of Technology | Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering |
1982-1985 |
Georgia Institute of Technology | M.S. Mechanical Engineering |
1980-1982 |
Tel-Aviv University | B.S. Mechanical Engineering |
1975-1979 |
Barry Lieber attended Tel-Aviv University and received a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering in 1979. He then attended Georgia Tech and received M.Sc. in 1982 and a Ph.D. in 1985, both in Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. working with Dr. Don P. Giddens. Barry Lieber was a Postdoctoral Fellow from 1985-1987 at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech and also completed a summer fellowship at Imperial College London in 1986. In 1987 Barry Lieber joined the faculty of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo as Assistant Professor. In 1993 he was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure and in 1998 was promoted to full professor. In 1994 he became Research Professor of Neurosurgery and in 1997 he became the Director of the Center for Bioengineering at the State University of New York at Buffalo, both position he held until his departure from the university in 2001 to Join the University of Miami as professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering with a joined appointment in the Department of Radiology. In 2010 he joined the State University of New York at Stony Brook at the rank of professor in the department of Neurosurgery and also serves as program faculty in the department of Biomedical Engineering. Barry Lieber was elected as fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biomedical Engineering in 1999. He was elected as fellow of the American Society of mechanical Engineers in 2005 and served as the Chairman of the Division of Bioengineering of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 2009.
Research Interests/Expertise
I believe that the role of biomedical engineers is to help nature help itself. My research interests revolve around hemodynamics. This includes not only the exploration of what is, but also create what does not exist. Our laboratory is involved in the study of blood flow to the brain and the creation of therapeutic devices both retractable and implantable to restore blood flow to normal physiological conditions. Some example include the analysis of blood flow from radiographic images, the application of mathematical tools to simulate blood flow in vasculature of interest, creation of silicone replicas of blood vessels both with and without pathologies for both elucidation of flow within and for the testing of new tools for blood flow restoration and navigation of access tools. Coils for the treatment of brain aneurysms and flow diverters are examples of mechanical devices that have been investigated extensively in our laboratory. Histoacryl, the predecessor of NBCA and Onyx for the treatment of arteriovenous malformation have all been investigated extensively in our lab.
The goal of my laboratory's research is to develop new treatment modalities for cerebrovascular maladies that include the local delivery of mechanical devices, pharmaceuticals and energy directly to the target pathology during minimally invasive interventional procedures.
B.Sc. Degree awarded Magna Cum Laude (1979)
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - most dedicated and active faculty advisor honor (1992, 1994)
Merit Award for Scientific Excellence - Scientific Program and 82nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA, Dec. 1-6, 1996, Chicago, Exhibit 804PH. Radiology (Supl.) 201(P):527, November 1996.
Merit Award for Scientific Excellence - Scientific Program and 83rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA, Nov.30 – Dec 5, 1997, Chicago, Exhibit 408PH. Radiology (Supl.):617, November 1997.
Merit Award for Scientific Excellence - Scientific Program and 84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA, Nov.30 – Dec 5, 1998, Chicago, Exhibit 836NR. Radiology (Supl.) p. 627, November 1998.
Award for Excellence in Design - Scientific Program and 84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA, Nov.30 – Dec 5, 1998, Chicago, Exhibit 836NR. Radiology (Supl.) p. 627, November 1998.
Fellow - College of Fellows of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, 1999.
Summa Cum Laude Award for Excellence of Scientific Exhibit – The American Society of Neuroradiology, 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, Washington June 7-11, 2004.
Fellow - American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2005.
2005 Johnson A. Edosomwan Researcher of the Year, University of Miami, College of Engineering
2006 Johnson A. Edosomwan Scholarly Productivity Award, University of Miami, College of Engineering
Representative Publications
- Lieber, B.B., Sadasivan, C. “Endoluminal Scaffold for Vascular Reconstruction and Exclusion of Aneurysms from the Cerebral Circulation” Stroke, Vol. 41(suppl. 1), pp. S21-S25, 2010.
- Sadasivan, C., Cesar, L., Seong, J., Rakian, A., Hao, Q., Tio, F., Wakhloo, A.K., and Lieber, B.B., An Original Flow Diversion Device for the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms: Evaluation in the Rabbit Elastase-Induced Model, Stroke, Vol 40(3), pp. 952-958, 2009
- Lieber BB, Gounis MJ. The physics of endoluminal stents in the treatment of cerebrovascular aneurysms. Neurol Res. 2002; 24: S33-S42.
- Wakhloo AK, Lanzino G, Lieber BB, Hopkins LN. Stents for intracranial aneurysms: a beginning of a new endovascular era (editorial). Neurosurgery. 1998;43:377-379.
- Lieber, B.B., Wakhloo, A.K., Siekmann, R., Gounis, M.J., “Acute and Chronic Swine Rete AVM Models: Effect of Ethiodol and Glacial Acetic Acid on Penetration, Dispersion, and Injection Force of N-Butyl 2-Cyanoacrylate” AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology, Vol. 26, pp 1707-1714, 2005
- Divani, A.A., Lieber, B.B., Wakhloo, A.K., Gounis, M.J., Hopkins, L.N., "Blood Flow Velocity and Transit Time in Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation via Microdroplet Angiography", Annals of Biomed. Eng., Vol. 29, pp. 135-144., 2001.
- Rudin, S., Wakhloo, A.K., Lieber, B.B., Grenger, W., Divani, A., Bednarek, D., Hopkins, L.N., "Micro Droplet tracking Using Biplane Digital Subtraction Angiography for Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformation Blood Flow Path and Velocity determinations", AJNR, Am J of Neurorad, 1999, Vol. 20(6), pp. 1110-1114.
- Wakhloo, A.K., Lieber, B.B., Rudin, S., Duffy-Fronckowiak, M., Mericle, R.A., Hopkins, L.N., “A Novel Approach to Flow Quantification in Arteriovenous Malformations prior to Enbucrilate Embolization: Use of Insoluble Contrast (Ethiodol droplet) Angiography”, J. Neurosurg. Vol. 89, pp. 395-404, 1998.
- Grant B.J.B. and Lieber B.B. “Clinical Significance of Pulmonary Arterial Input Impedance”, European Respiratory Journal, Vol. 9(11), pp. 2196-2199, 1996
- Lieber, B.B., Li, Z., Grant, B.J.B., “Beat by Beat changes of the Viscoelastic and Inertial Properties of the Pulmonary Arteries”, J. Appl. Physiol. Vol. 76, pp. 2348-2355, 1994.
- Li, Z. and Lieber, B.B., “Estimation of Organ Transport Function: Model-Free Deconvolution by Recursive Quadratic Programming Optimization”, J. Biomech. Eng., vol. 114, pp. 482-489, 1992.
- Grant, B.J.B. and Lieber, B.B., “Compliance of the Main Pulmonary Artery During the Ventilatory Cycle”, J. App. Physiol., Vol. 72, pp. 535-542, 1992.
US Patent applications
- Radiographic Imaging Apparatus and Method for Vascular Interventions US Patent 6,285,739
- Histologic Visualization of Cyanoacrylate Embolization US Patent 6,686,203
- Micro-Quantity Injector Pump U.S. Application # 20020025267
- Stent vascular intervention device and method US Application # 20030109917
- Spherical Helix Embolic Coils for the Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms U.S. Application # 20120071911 A1
- System and Method for Simulating Deployment Configuration of an Expandable Device U.S. Application # 20120310611 A1
Laboratory Personnel
B. Barry Lieber
Chander Sadasivan
Ronak Dholakia