Rebecca Spiegel, MD, neurologist and Director of the Stony Brook Level 4 Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, was honored on January 28, 2016, by EPIC (Extraordinary People In Care) Long Island, at their 31st Annual Dinner Gala. EPIC is the umbrella organization of which the Epilepsy Foundation of Long Island is a division. EPIC Long Island’s mission is to provide vital services to people with epilepsy, developmental disabilities and mental health challenges.
As EPIC's Professional Leadership honoree, Dr. Spiegel, who frequently lectures on the topic of epilepsy and serves on the advisory panel of EPIC, was recognized for her numerous contributions to patient care and to patient, family and peer education. Under Dr. Spiegel’s leadership, Stony Brook Level 4 Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, which was also honored at the Gala as Corporate honoree, has continuously enhanced the level of services that its team of specialists can now provide to patients.
Learn more about epilepsy and seizures from the experts at the Stony Brook Level 4 Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. Call (631) 444-2599 or visit